Vision : A policy research institute that implements tangible policies and contributes to enhancing the people’s quality of life by promoting an inclusive environment.
Purpose of Establishment : To investigate, research, and analyze the operation of tax, finance, and public institutions in order to support the establishment of policies related to the operation of such institutions and ontribute to the development of the national economy.
- Management Goals and Strategy
- Advancement of policy research to usher in the future in cooperation with the people
- Conduct key policy research for the development of national policies
- Perform policy research on economic fairness and innovative growth for the good of the people
- Enhance the research performance and management system
- Strengthening of open communication for the establishment of an integrated policy research hub
- Strengthen the interdisciplinary research network
- Reinforce the basis for global policy research
- Increase the practicality of research through the dissemination of research achievements
- Establishment of a research environment that is based on trust and participation
- Establish a management system based on trust
- Foster the mutual growth of the organization and its members
- Create an organizational culture of communication and harmony